Thursday, July 5, 2012

The story of the prophet Muhammad with his companions

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Actually this story was widely spread in many blogs and other places, but ... I just wanted to share with friends all the stories that made ​​me cried when she first read it .... May we ever be able to remember and interpret the story is to keep clean and to be armed, One day the Prophet Muhammad was visited by an infidel woman. When the king with some friends. The woman brought some seeds of fruit juice as a gift to the king. Really beautiful fruit. Anyone who saw definite terliur. Majesty received it with a smile happily. The prize was eaten by the Prophet Muhammad by a slight hint of a smile. Usually the Prophet Muhammad would eat with the friends, but not this time. Not a hint of lime that was given to them. Prophet Muhammad continued to eat. Each time with a smile, until all the juice that runs out. Then she excused himself to go home, accompanied by a thank you from the king. Friends rather surprised by the attitude of the Prophet Muhammad. Then they asked. Prophet Muhammad explained with a smile "You know, actually it's too sour lemons when I was feeling the first time. Presumably you also eat together, I hesitate any of you who will mengenyetkan eyes or scolding woman. I'm wavering heart be offended. So I spent it all. " That character Prophet Muhammad. Your Majesty will not reduce the provision of out-even someone who is not a good thing, and of those non-Muslims as well. Infidel woman went home with a disappointed heart. Why? Actually he intended to fool the Prophet Muhammad and the companions of the king with a gift that sour lemon. Unfortunately unsuccessfully. The design was thwarted by the noble Prophet Muhammad.


Ditulis Oleh : Mas David Hari: 1:32 PM Kategori:


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